Monday, March 26, 2012

Passing Information between SQL Agent Job Steps

Is it possible to passing information between SQL Agent Job Steps?
Such as the following job that has 2 tsql steps.
Step 1) Trans sql select * from myTable
Step 2) send result from Step 1 using CDO.
For the example you listed, one option is on the first step you can
have the results of this output to a file. You do this by selecting
the step, go to the advanced tab and then put in the path and file
name for the Output file.
Then on Step 2, you can send the file from step 1.
On Mon, 11 Oct 2004 17:51:02 +0100, "Robin" <>

>Is it possible to passing information between SQL Agent Job Steps?
>Such as the following job that has 2 tsql steps.
>Step 1) Trans sql select * from myTable
>Step 2) send result from Step 1 using CDO.

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