Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Passing Multi Value Delimited string to a parameter

Hi Everyone,
I am using, or want to use a parameter as a filter in a sql statement, the
user will pick from a list that will then send a delimited list of numbers
e.g. "a1,a2,a3,a4" as the parameter that will be referenced in the sql
statement with a " field IN (@.parameter) " type thing.
Im sure this should work and its probably just the phrasing or something
that ive got wrong, can anyone help?
Steve DMulti-select parameters are a feature of RS 2005. This will not work in RS
2000. You can do dynamic sql to do this (note that you do open up to
injection attacks). Switch to generic query designer (to the right of the
...). Put in something like this.
="select somefield from sometable where anotherfield in (" &
Parameters.ParamName.Value & ")"
Note that RS will not detect your field list, so first have a regular query
to populate the field list.
Bruce Loehle-Conger
MVP SQL Server Reporting Services
"Steve Dearman" <> wrote in message
> Hi Everyone,
> I am using, or want to use a parameter as a filter in a sql statement, the
> user will pick from a list that will then send a delimited list of numbers
> e.g. "a1,a2,a3,a4" as the parameter that will be referenced in the sql
> statement with a " field IN (@.parameter) " type thing.
> Im sure this should work and its probably just the phrasing or something
> that ive got wrong, can anyone help?
> Steve D

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