Monday, March 26, 2012

Passing Job to a JobStep

Back in the day of COM and DMO. You could create a COM component, create an SQL job, and using an 'AcitveX Script' job step pass the Job to the component.

The component could then lookup the job schedule using DMO to figure out how long it should run.

Now in the days of SMO and CLR. I want to pass the Job to a CLR Stored Procedure as part of a Transact SQL step... (without hard coding the JobId in the script)

any help is appreciated...


Well, I guess I'll have to do some extra work.

I will automate the job creation and pass put the JobId into the Trasact SQL.

The reason I need this is that the sproc is long running and manages it's own schedule. After it executes it determines the next runtime and updates the schedule on the job



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