Wednesday, March 28, 2012

passing multiple values from a listbox into a stored procedure

hi i have a listbox with selectedmode = multiple, i am currently using this code in my code behind (c#) to call the storedprocedure within the datasource but its not working: Do i have to write specific code in c# to send the mulitple values through?

protectedvoid confButton_Click(object sender,EventArgs e)




foreach (ListItem itemin authorsListBox4.Items)


if (item.Selected)





saveStatusLabel.Text ="Save Successfull: The above publication has been saved";


catch (Exception ex)


saveStatusLabel.Text ="Save Failed: The above publication failed to save" + ex.Message;



The code you posted looks right, as much as you've posted. You'll have to loop, check for selected, and add. You're on the right track.
One thing that jumps out right away is that I can't see where you're passing any argument into your AddConfSqlDataSource.Insert(); function.
Did you mean something like:




Code looks fine. You are already looping thru each selected item of your multi select list box. So just check the code in this method AddConfSqlDataSource.Insert()

There should be some problem in it that is causing you the issue. Or put the code here for us to take a look.


hmmm if i pass in item to the datasource:AddConfSqlDataSource.Insert(item);

i recieve error: No overload for method 'Insert' takes '1' arguments

the parameters i am passing through the datasource to the SP look like this:

<asp:SqlDataSourceID="AddConfSqlDataSource"runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:SoSymConnectionString%>" InsertCommand="StoredProcedureTest2" InsertCommandType="StoredProcedure"> <InsertParameters> <asp:ControlParameterControlID="PubTypeDropDownList"Name="typeID" PropertyName="SelectedValue"Type="Int16"/> <asp:ControlParameterControlID="titleTextBox4"Name="title" PropertyName="Text"Type="String"/> <asp:ControlParameterControlID="authorsListBox4"Name="authorID" Type="String"/> </InsertParameters> </asp:SqlDataSource>

and my SP as follows: maybe i have a problem within my SP - looping?

ALTER PROCEDUREdbo.StoredProcedureTest2 @.publicationIDInt=null, @.typeIDsmallint=null, @.titlenvarchar(MAX)=null, @.authorIDsmallint=null ASBEGIN TRANSACTIONSET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE@.ERRORInt SET@.ERROR=0IF EXISTS(SELECT*FROMPublicationWHEREtitle = @.title)SELECT@.publicationID = (SELECTpublicationIDFROMPublicationWHEREtitle = @.title)ELSE BEGIN INSERT INTOPublication (typeID, title) VALUES(@.typeID, @.title) SET@.publicationID = @.@.IDENTITY--Obtain the ID of the created publication SET@.ERROR = @.@.ERROREND IF NOT EXISTS(SELECT*FROMPublicationAuthorsWHEREpublicationID = @.publicationIDANDauthorID = @.authorID)BEGIN INSERT INTOPublicationAuthors (publicationID, authorID)VALUES(@.publicationID, @.authorID) SET@.ERROR = @.@.ERROR END IF(@.ERROR<>0)ROLLBACK TRANSACTIONELSECOMMIT TRANSACTION

Sorry to post loads of code! ...


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