Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Passing non-URL Friendly Parameters?

I have a parameter in my SQL report which is a system account number. This
account number often contains non-URL friendly characters (i.e. '<', '>',
';', ' ' , etc...). How can I create some type of substitition function to
work around this issue?
I reall need to pass the parameter through the URL. Thank you in advance.
- MaxWhat instead of using the GET method, you use the POST method to send your
Med Bouchenafa
"Max Tyack" <> a écrit dans le message de
>I have a parameter in my SQL report which is a system account number. This
> account number often contains non-URL friendly characters (i.e. '<', '>',
> ';', ' ' , etc...). How can I create some type of substitition function to
> work around this issue?
> I reall need to pass the parameter through the URL. Thank you in advance.
> - Max|||Do you need the link on a static page or from an other report?
Reporting Services should recognize escaped uri parameters. So instead of
'http://Hello World' you can use 'http://Hello%20World'. The same applies to
<, > and so on. The % values are the hex-ascii values, so you might need to
look up an ascii table and do a string replace ( like strUri.Replace(" ",
"%20") )
In .NET 2.0 you should look up for the Uri class and use EscapeUriString or
I hope it's understandable, else you can try it at . For Non-URI friendly
parameters the Dest (param) might be more intersting. It's all in client-side
"Max Tyack" wrote:
> I have a parameter in my SQL report which is a system account number. This
> account number often contains non-URL friendly characters (i.e. '<', '>',
> ';', ' ' , etc...). How can I create some type of substitition function to
> work around this issue?
> I reall need to pass the parameter through the URL. Thank you in advance.
> - Max

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